Dream Interpretation

Thou that art so fair and bright - Hymn

  • Lyrics and words to Thou that art so fair and bright a Catholic hymn and song

  • Printable words and lyrics of Thou that art so fair and bright Catholic hymn
  • Thou that art so fair and bright, an online Catholic song of praise and worship
  • Free and downloadable words and lyrics
  • Thou that art so fair and bright - a traditional and classic Catholic online hymn
  • Inspirational lyrics and words of the Thou that art so fair and bright Catholic hymn

Thou that art so fair and bright,
Velut maris stella,
Brighter than the day is light,
Parens et puélla,
I cry to thee, look thou on me,
Lady, pray thy Son for me,
Tampia, So that I might come to thee, María.

All this world was so forlorn
Eva peccatrice,
Till our Lord was in it born,
De te genetríce;
With Ave, sorrow went away,
Darkest night to brightest day,
Salútis, From thee came the saving ray, Virtútis.

Lady, flow'r of ev'rything,
Rosa sine spina,
Gave us Jesus, heaven's King,
Grátia divina;
Of ev'ryone thou bear'st the prize,
Lady, Queen of Paradise,
Elécta, Maiden mild and Mother wise, Es effécta.

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